
A universal truth about the Cooper’s Hill Campus is that it has a deep and long-lasting effect on all who have been lucky enough to stay there. This site was created to preserve a great place of shared learning and personal discovery for the many hundreds of students who passed through its gates.

During the creation of the site, the author encountered many folk who had studied and lived during Shoreditch Technical College years, and it was incredible how many traditions transcended both education tenures and how fond everyone was of their time there.

Since launching, the site has received many messages from alumni of all ages, and from all around the globe, which reflect this. If you have have a memory to share, or photos, then please do consider sending using the form here.

169 thoughts on “Memories”

  • Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this post and the rest of the website is very good.

  • WOW so sad. I hope someone does something with this soon. The old part must be saved from the bulldozer.
    I was at Brunel 78-82 and lived here commuting to the main campus that had inadequate space. Great times had at here and especially Royal Hollaway down the road.

  • I stumbled across this website quite by accident whilst trying to trace a replacement Shoreditch blazer badge. It is a brilliant project and brought back some very special memories for me. Very many thanks!

  • ditch 81 year. What a brilliant dedicated piece of work. Like many I have great memories of ditch. As someone who managed to gain access to the attics/roof and cellars during my time there, I Love the photos of the not so accessable areas like the clock tower. Looks like the old place can now rival Brunel’s Uxbridge campus for TV & film appearances!

  • Hi Tom, fantastic job in putting together something that will remain as a memory of what the campus was. Brings back great memories – you really forget how much the place affected & shaped you – the only other place I have considered home.

    Some familiar names cropping up in your guestbook – Hi Loz, Lyndon & Gav. I don’t do much on social sites, but we all shared a fantastic time on a great and probably unique campus. Shame I live so far away, but I would love to see it again before it disappears.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks to you for putting effort into helping us all retain our memories of the old place – I saw a picture of the Barley Mow in your film history section – I remember the night a few of us were chased across the green by a gang of locals and got to the Barley Mow in record time. Too many recollections to put down here, but nice if you can gather everybody’s photos.

    All the best & keep it up – Michael

  • Fantastic work Tom.
    Really brings back great memories (Industrial Design 1986-1990). The jungle parties on Reed 400, rocket fights between Marshall and Bradley (and along the corridor – madness), putting Mickey Mouse hands on the College clock face (it seemed pretty much every key would open every door with some jiggling), hunting rabbits at night for a stew, the big storm of 87, staggering back from the Barley Mow, rolling tractor tyres down the hill in the dead of night after a few too many drinks at the union (again complete madness). The fun just never stopped. I guess that’s what happens when you stick a bunch of young guys (and extremely limited numbers of girls) in relative isolation for four years…
    They still had that bloody 60s furniture when I was there. Seems a lot of ex students hold the place dear. Seems like they’ll be creating some retirement accommodation when the campus is redeveloped. Maybe when I’m an old fart I’ll get a place there and cause havoc…

  • Very nostalgic, I was at Shoreditch 74-77 and visited the college with my son and his wife in 2007. I have lovely memories. This is a great site.

  • So happy to see these photographs and read the information! Can’t believe Brunel sold the site to some developer but hope it will be kept relatively unspoiled and Americans looking for the Air Force Memorial and Runnymede will continue to stumble upon it.

  • Great site, brought back many memories as student there 1971-74. Thanks for the hard work. What happened to the old German Gym used as an Art Block then Union building?

  • hi what a great site i used to work at runnymede campus brunel from 2000/2007 on collage and president halls i remember there was the story of the ghost on collage hall 3rd floor very spooky up the top floor 🙂

  • This is a fantastic archive of a very special place. Tom, we are all in your debt. Thanks for preserving this excellent record of the campus for us. Dan Farrell 92-96, 97-99

  • Thank you for putting together such an interesting set of photos. They brought back many happy memories of being there. It was a once in a lifetime experience, and it is very sad to see dear old Shoreditch fall into disrepair when we visit from time to time. Our daughter went to Royal Holloway, and our son graduated from Brunel this year. We all have fond memories of the area, and I am still teaching.

  • Just stumbled across this site, and took a trip down memory lane, thank you so much for taking the time to put together such a wonderful record for Shoreditch College. Graham and I are looking forward to any further photos, especially of the inside. We were married in 1981 and are both still teaching. Will hopefully see more names added as time goes on.

  • I enjoyed looking through this so much. Your hard work has
    brought me a lot of pleasure! Thanks Tom.

  • A great piece of work – preserving the memory of a place which has formed the futures of so many teachers and young people.
    Frank Budge (72 year)

  • Here’s an idea… can’t we all club together: turn the place into a retirement village, only available to ex shoreditch/ runnymeders… it seems to be where many of us started life: wouldn’t it be a great way to end it!
    Industrial Design 87-91, 91-93.
    Brilliant work Tom.

  • What a wonderful nostalgic trip! I was at the Ditch from 1957 to 1959, when the first year students were in the huts. Does anyone else remember them? Many of us had Austin 7s from the same year as our birth, in my case 1937, one of which was memorably dismantled and rebuilt in the President’s office.

  • What a brilliant website. Was very sad to visit Runnymede
    at the weend to see it all boarded up and scaffolding on Marshall
    Hall (my home for 2 years), with no development work started. I
    understand that planning permission has now been gained by the new
    owners for mixed use, including student accomodation. I am secretly
    hoping that a lot of the buildings will be renovated and not
    demolished. 4 wonderful years spent here 90-94 (Industrial Design).
    I think it would make a wonderful retirement home… I may book my
    room now!

  • What a brilliant job – so many memories. Noticed on the
    photos that the cricket square seems to have been taken over by the
    start of the Golf Course, The score board was situated on the bend
    of the trees on the right as you walked from top of Marshall. When
    did Ditch stop playing cricket matches? Anyone know where the
    cricket square was re-sited if cricket was played anywhere

  • Wow. What a brilliant site. Thanks so much for putting so much effort into this – I will send a link to all my old college friends. I was at ‘Ditch from 1972 – 1975; only in retrospect do I realise how very lucky I was to spend three years in such idyllic surroundings. A few of us ’75 years meet up annually and we originally used to reminisce by walking around the grounds. Imagine our horror when we turned up one year to find the gates locked! What a terrible shame that housing is considered acceptable in this location.

    I love the idea of another guest who suggested that we club together to buy the site and build a retirement village for the exclusive use of Alumni!

  • Fantastic photos bring back wonderful memories for me from 1967 – 1970.
    Steve Smith asked about the cricket pitch. Because of insurance problems with the houses next to the ground, we played no cricket on the campus after 1969. I had long discussions with Dr Westgath about erecting high netting, but to no avail. We played our home fixtures after that by hiring the pitch oposite the Air Force War Memorial.

  • Well done Tom for building such a fab memorial to the old Ditch. I was in 79 year but stayed on until 1980 to do B.Ed.
    I say a cheery “Hello” to any of my old mates! I had a wonderful 4 years there, especially on the Birdcage disco.

  • Hi Tom,
    What a good job you have done. It certainly has stirred up some memories for my time there 1959-61. I remember the filming of The French Mistress and James Robertson Justice showing off his gullwing Mercedes. I too had a car which was made the year I was born – a 1938 Morris 8. Looking back we had many classic cars parked in Chestnut Walk which if they survived would be worth a small fortune now. Does anyone remember the matron whose remedy for every ill was a mug of hot chocolate! I remember also the domitory huts we were to live in during our first year but we did get rooms in a newly built hostel for the next year. Happy days on the Shoreditch Campus.

  • Fantastic! – What a great idea! – I was forwarded this link
    by another ex shoreditch student and will send the link to several
    of my friends! This could go viral! – Dominic Miles 1982. Teaching
    ICT at Paignton…

  • I was in 67 year spending my first year in Reed Hall then
    out in Englefield Green before returning for my third year again in
    Reed.We were sent down early in 1970 because someone had tried to
    blow up the memorial.On teaching practice we had to travel long
    distances and were taken by coach driven by a driver called
    Cadbury.The campus was fantastic and had a great time it was all
    men when i was there and for disco’s girls were brought in by coach
    from Strawberry Fields College? if not we went down to Royal

  • Good site. I was at ‘Ditch 70-73 and enjoyed my time there.
    I was on Bradley 200 for 2 years and remember the rivalry between
    halls. Are you related to John Hostler (also 73 year)?

  • Ex Ditch 69Yr. Tom what a brilliant job. Some of us visited
    in 2009 to celebrate forty years on which was a shame more did not
    come as we got to walk around the site and visit the new (to us)
    library. So many memories. i’ll be back

  • Tom, this is a wonderful thing that you are doing,
    especially since it is quite obviously the end of an era for the
    old place. I for one had a very memorable three years at Ditch (69
    year) and being able to view this living archive that you are
    creating keeps the memories well and truly alive. Keep up the good
    work Tom, I have a feeling that you are going to put a lot smiles
    on a lot of faces.

  • Bradley Bomber-80 year. How wonderful to see so many images
    of Shoreditch College. Thank you so much for putting together such
    an evocative site. How could our College fall from grace? So very
    sad! I have visited Egham/Englefield Green recently as my son,
    Jack, has recently started at Royal Holloway…… how weird!
    Living so far away (Stockton-on-Tees)I never imagined the area
    would, once again, become a key part of my life. Teaching in
    Hartlepool [Deputy Headteacher] is certanly a ‘million miles’ away
    from the life I knew in Surrey! Such happy days!

  • Great site with lots of memories, I think anyone who was
    trained at ‘Ditch’ really fell in love with the place. I was in
    ’80’ Thanks for the memories and keep up the good work.

  • Great project – thankyou for sharing. Some good memories
    right there. Funny how a place “sticks” – those workshops were
    wonderful, I still miss them, especially copper spinning with
    Brian(?) Bachelor. Industrial Design 1990-94

  • I was three trained in the 67 year. These were some of the
    most enjoyable years of my education. I have used so much of that
    experience throughout my life. Shoreditch was great and thanks to
    the people behind this website will stay in many memories for years
    to come.

  • Fantastic site. Really well done. Love to see more photos
    inside and of the final jobs at the annual exhibition. I bet loads
    of people have some. Mark Wills 79 yr 1980 BEd.

  • Thank you for doing this. I hadn’t realised that ‘Ditch was
    going. It will be always there in my mind.So many memories! I met
    my husband at ‘Ditch,(72 year) and we first sang together there. I
    lived in President, same room for 3 years – home!Remember the end
    of TP grave created outside Scrivens? Remember tales of the doors
    of the top floor being sealed so it could be flooded and the water
    cascaded down?? Full of life, a great place to learn in. Isabel
    Cummings 73 year, B.Ed

  • An amazing site – well done Tom! I joined Shoreditch the
    year women were first admitted – 1970. I lived in President 57 for
    three years – overlooking hall and dustbins. (The film ‘Dustbin
    Baby’apparently used my room for some scenes)! Great memories of a
    fantastic three years!

  • What a fantastic site. I am so pleased Tom that you have taken the time to shared this with us. I have very, very happy memories of “the Ditch” in my time there from 1973 until 1976. I was in Bradley 300 on top floor for my 2nd and 3rd years.I did pop by 6 or 7 years ago and managed to wangle my way onto the campus. I took a few photos then, but already there were signs of change. Be nice to see or hear from anyone who knew me in “76” year as i was then.

    Best wishes,

    Ian Rodie

  • On my last day, 13th June 1979, I remember being escorted off the campus by the College Dean after I had started a food fight in ‘Crush Hall’. I never thought much of the food and the green scotch egg was the final straw. As we walk past the library he smiled and told me that I was always welcome to comeback and indeed I never went too far. I taught locally in Ascot, owned an art gallery in Virginia Water and was a member of the Wentworth Residents Committee . I would often visit the campus and saw the changes made over the past 30 years, the saddest being when the site slipped into the hands of a ‘developer’. I enjoyed taking my wife and children around the grounds and shared stories of the ‘fun’ I had’. Indeed, I was truly very fortunate to have attended Shoreditch. I am pleased that there seems to be a future for the site but I would like to remember it as it was and this web-site will help to do this, thank you Tom. This past January I too have moved on and now enjoy a very active retirement travelling the world.

  • Oh, the sweet nostalgia! Thanks for the opportunity to
    re-visit that great place and to spend time remembering the fun and
    seemingly continuous laughter, except when it was TP time of
    course. I was there from 71 until 74 and loved it.

  • 123/73 yr,Fantastic site, bringing back many memories of this home from home. So good to see names that I remember. Keep up the good work

  • Thanks to Peter Jones (77yr) for the link to the site. Brings back brilliant memories, especially the three legged and four legged pub crawls (Karen Knut has never been the same) and the beer making production during the miners strike on Reed 200. Not forgetting meeting my life long partner, Kim Durbin (77Yr). Both still living together, happily unmarried and still teaching (now at the same school!!)

    Thanks Tom!

  • Shoreditch College had been , I expect for many of us,an unexplored treasure.Amazing that after a four year stay, we knew so little of the history or importance.
    Tartan bitter at 12 p a pint.. now you’re talking.
    Loved it and the friends made.

  • Tom, amazing work. One of the “last year of runnymede” crew – we had our first year there and then everything shut down. We fought and stayed on the second year – commuting to Uxbridge but alas we finally lost.
    Despite only those 2 years, all of us felt the passing of a generation…and we made it out with a bang.
    On of the guys went there just the other day and has posted up pictures of the current state, such a shame ,everything is in ruin.

    Sitting in Sydney, and feels like i’m back…

  • I was a 3yr Shoreditch student from 1965 – 1968. I have often wondered what happened to the Coopers Hill site, post Brunel, and now I know. Brilliant piece of work!

  • Saw “Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll” last night at a friend’s pop up cinema. Couldn’t concentrate on film ‘cos I kept seeing bits of my past life at Shoreditch College. (’74)
    Love site. Well done.

  • My father Geoff Beeden was a lecturer at the college and I
    have amazing memories of playing in the beautiful grounds. We also
    used to have a massive Children’s Christmas party every year which
    was always a highlight. As I grew up I became a helper at the
    parties. I also attend the student parties when I was older. I
    remember playing in the garden by the science block under the
    supervision of Chalky White, he always had sweets! I went to try
    and see the college this weekend but it was well secured and it
    appears demolition of the modern buildings is in progress. I do
    hope you will get around to putting the interior shots on here I
    recall it was beautiful inside. My father is now 83 and will be
    delighted to see this website.

  • I was at Shoreditch between 1974 and 1978 and had a wonderful time! It was a privilege to live in such beautiful surroundings and with such talented and liked minded people. I find it very sad that Ditch with all its still brilliant potential as a home and study centre for twenty first century students should be sold off to developers. The work which you have done is fantastic. Your images have captured the sheer essence of the place as I remember it. Thank you for sharing all your amazing work. Lynn ( Cilla as known in the seventies! )x

  • Had an excellent time living there between ’84/’88 in Marshall while working the kitchens and Thorpe Park during the summer breaks.

  • My father Charles “Rex” Shute James died on 2 March 2014 at the age of 90 years. He went to Shoreditch College 1947-1949 and became a talented Woodwork Teacher at Southway School and watercolour artist in Plymouth.He used to talk a lot about his times and the College and I am grateful that the College helped him so much to become the talented craftsman and artist that he was.

  • I had three wonderful years at ‘Ditch’ between 77 & 80. Met so many talented friends there. I been teaching for 34 years mainly in IT, testimony to the transferable skill I learnt whilst there (must have been all the time in the bar). How time flies I wonder if there are any old friends who also visit this wonderful site?

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